Welcome to 5th Grade!

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework November 20

Hi guys!!

This is today's homework (no excuses for not doing it!)

1. Socrative quiz (subject verb agreement). My room number is 

ROOM: 17de5169

2. Read "At the Beach" in pearsonsuccessnet. It's the first story in Unit 2. We'll have a test on in tomorrow so read it very carefully. Pay attention to the details the author gives you, visualize the passages, notice the setting, and think about the character's personality and actions.

You all have your usernames and passwords.

3. Remember that I'll check Raz-kids today.

4. Don't forget to do Xtra Math, some of you didn't do it yesterday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kalinka there is a question that dont have answers and I can not answer in socrative.

    2. A question that DOESN'T have answer (subject-verb agreement), Mau!!

  2. Thanks, Mau, I think I already fixed it.

  3. no is this one: Interesting news ______________ what sells our paper.

  4. Ok, this time I really fixed it!
